WISE at the 2021 STEM for ALL Video Showcase

Check out our latest cutting-edge work using natural language processing (NLP) to empower teachers and students to take action to promote social justice through science learning and teaching!

At the 2021 NSF STEM for All Showcase, we present recent work from our from our (STRIDES) project, a collaboration with ETS that leverages NLP to capture students’ evolving understanding of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) three-dimensional learning. Milestone reports pair distributions of student responses with evidence based instructional opportunities that support teachers to notice student ideas and tailor instruction for their students.

Watch how WISE partner teachers utilize this data to adjust instruction based on their students’ specific needs. See how they are customizing WISE curricula to address social justice topics critically important to their students’ lives, enabling students to plan anti-racism actions through science learning.

Let us know your thoughts and send us questions using the public discussion forum. And feel free to vote for our video as a Public or Presenter’s Choice! We look forward to hearing from you. :slight_smile: