Welcome Distance Learners and Teachers!

The Web-Based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) provides standards-aligned online inquiry science units. Our team is now working directly with teachers to implement, customize, and create web-based distance learning curricula for their students. We are hosting weekly office hours, facilitating teachers to collaborate on strategies for customizing WISE to create their own instruction, and supporting students and families. WISE is free to use and available worldwide.

In this challenging time, teachers are doing innovative work to ensure their students have engaging science learning opportunities and are connecting with their peers and teachers. They are connecting with colleagues to share ideas and resources and are adapting WISE units to meet the needs of their students.

Are you interested in using WISE with your students? Or are you a family member looking to supplement your students’ learning while at home? We want to help! Join us for weekly Zoom office hours every Monday from 1-3pm PDT. We will answer any questions you might have and can help you facilitate and/or customize WISE units. Our Zoom meeting link is https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/209167075. You can also contact us via email or our Contact page at any time with questions or comments. We’d love to hear about your experiences, challenges, and successes in adapting your teaching to a distance learning model!

We wish everyone good health and hope you’re all staying safe! Best wishes,

The WISE Team