Students can't record responses

(This is a contact WISE request that has been resolved in April 2020. Personal user information has been omitted.)

Teacher’s Question
Students are unable to choose responses, drag and drop, or type in open answers.

It looks like your unit has ended. This is why students are unable to add any more responses. To fix this, you can simply extend the end date and the unit will be opened up again for students. You can edit the end date in the Unit Settings. To do so, click on the unit menu (three dots in the upper right of the unit listing) and select “Edit Settings”. You can change the end date in the Schedule section.

Let us know if you have any other questions and thanks for using WISE!

Update: We recently added an option to lock students from saving new work after the end date!

When you’re setting up a new unit, or editing an existing unit’s settings, you can choose whether you want to “Lock After End Date”.

If you check the box and the end date has passed, the student can no longer save new work. If you want to allow them to continue working after the end date, simply uncheck the box.