Is there any way to get multiple choice questions to auto-score?

I waste a lot of time assigning credit for things WISE has already marked a correct. Is there any way to get WISE to generate scores for correct items?

Hi, thanks so much for contacting us!

As of, now we don’t have many assessment types that automatically score correct items. But this is something we’d like to add, as we agree it will make scoring much easier in many cases.

In your case, is it just multiple choice items you’d like to see scored? And would you generally just have one set point value for correct answers? Or would you also be looking to assign partial credit based on some conditions?

We’d love to hear your thoughts and will put this on our list for new features. Thanks!

Has there been an update on this? It would seem that scoring the multiple choice questions automatically should be easy compared to scoring the written response questions. Thanks for your thoughts on this!

Hi, thanks for writing!

We haven’t implemented auto-scoring for multiple choice items yet. We just haven’t had much demand for it from our teachers over the past year or so. But yes, it shouldn’t be too difficult to add. In terms of scoring, would you be interested in just setting one point value for correct answers? Or if multiple attempts are allowed, would you like to vary the number of points depending on the number of tries it takes a student to get the correct answer? Let us know what you think and we’ll look into implementing.

Thanks again!